As a result of my learning from this course, I have truly learned that students of the 21st century will definitely need a lot of learning theories, instructional practices and various technology tools to further enhance and enrich their overall learning experiences. I have learned that students will have to learn to collaborate with a team effort, also they will have to possess a wealth of knowledge about technology and they will definitely need to explore these skills everyday so they are able to function in such a different world than what we have become to know as students ourselves. I have really enjoyed exploring the different areas of technology that we were introduced to and it has been a joy learning how to integrate these foundations in my everyday classroom efforts and teaching. I truly do have a better understanding of how to apply these learning theories and instructional practices in the classroom and I will enjoy watching my students apply their efforts to this knowledge. As my students learn more, they will definitely grow and develop into better social and cognitive learners.
The knowledge I have gained will allow me to integrate this knowledge into my everyday teaching so my students can have a wealth of knowledge as they grow into lifelong learners. Students will learn how to blog, use wiki spaces, collaborate with other students in different parts of the world, etc. As an educator, I believe it is our responsibility to prepare our students for the future and make sure they are well prepared. Because I now have this wealth of knowledge myself, I am able to prepare my students with the proper technology skills and therefore overall, the needs of all my learners will be met. Because I am such a big fan of differentiation in the classroom, I know that technology plays a crucial role in instruction being differentiated for all learners.
One professional development goal is to introduce my students to communicating on a blog space. Students will learn how to communicate with each other as well as other students. Step one will be to introduce to my students how to blog. Next we will start out small by blogging to each other. I will then attempt to take my students to the next level by contacting perhaps maybe one of my classmates so we blog with their class about some math and science topics. Lastly, by introducing my students to this effort will definitely increase my knowledge as well. I also commit to keep up with the latest trends with technology so I can keep my students up on the latest technology skills as well. As a professional, I do have to make sure I have the approval of my administration before beginning any efforts. I also have to keep parents informed as well and I will do this by sending them a letter before we get started. As a last step, our local college host a technology fair each year, and I will plan to allow my students to participate in this effort so they are able to show off their work to the community.
No Means NO!
9 years ago