Hello Everyone,
My Reaction:
The Partnership 21st Century Skills website was very interesting. I love the resources that are available to download to view at your leisure. I think the website was not user friendly even though it had a lot of information that is valuable. I like the top tabs that were available to you. However, you had to go through a lot of tabs to find what you needed. I do indeed like their mission to be a catalyst for building 21st century skills by including everyone who can play apart in this mission. I do agree that every child that we are educating now needs to be 21st Century educated in order to function properly in the work world that is ahead of them. We collaborate a lot at my school, which is a good thing, because we can teach our students how to become more effective in this area. We struggle with our students being critical thinkers and them being successful with problem-solving.
Information: What surprised me
I don't believe nothing surprise me. Not even the fact that Georgia was not on the list. Seems as though every business that has any type of technology available was represented. Just a little surprise that there was not as many teachers represented on the Strategic Council of Members. We are the core of education and we are really the voice of the classroom, therefore more of us need to be there in order strike a serious balance for our students. :-)
I would not disagree with anything that will work as a catalyst for our schools becoming 21 st century schools.
Implications for my students and Myself as a Teacher:
How can your state become apart of this program? How can we use this in the classroom to better involve our schools and students? These are just a few questions that cross my mind when thinking about such a powerful resource.
What are your thoughts and comments?
Amy Hollis-Lawson
No Means NO!
9 years ago