Sunday, November 15, 2009

Technology Concerns


In the school where I teach, we have a lot of technology available to the students. I have a concern about the students and the technology. I believe the technology will eventually make students lazy to the point where they began to depend on it too much. What are your thoughts concerning this? I believe the students want to be on technology rather than doing other assignments that does not require technology. I have a few students who are more concerned with technology rather than doing their work. How do I fix this issue? I have explained to them that we don't use technology everyday. We use it when it is appropriate for the lesson. Your help is needed!


  1. Where I teach we also utilize a lot of technology. My biggest concern is that the students don't know how to use it, despite being immersed in this technological age essentially their whole lives. For instance, just the other day I told the students to send me their extra credit via a .doc or .docx and it was unbelievable the amount of students who had no idea what I was talking about.

    As for your concerns, I'm not sure I have an answer, but I do know that we as teachers, even if we aren't technology teachers, are responsible for teaching the students how to use technology wisely (and obviously how not to get caught up in its presence, thus making it unproductive and inefficient).

  2. Your concern is something I struggle with as a high school math teacher. Before each test day, I have to let my students know whether they are allowed to use their calculators or not. I only want my students to use their calculators when it is appropriate (trig functions, square roots etc) and not basic arithmetic. When it comes to materials they are allowed to bring into a test, I always say pencil and 1 post card of notes/equations. For now, that is all they need in my class. I introduce the technology and when I prepare class projects, that's when i want them to use the technology resources available to them for searching and presenting their solutions. All in all, I hope they use the valuable technology out there for learning purposes and not so much the social aspect of it that we seem to worry about (i.e. texting, the modern form of passing notes and possibly cheating.).
